All pricing is based off a $80 for small/medium dogs and $90 for large dogs and doodle breeds/hour rate. Size, coat condition, and temperament will affect time involved. Below are approximate times involved and prices. The more often your dog is groomed the less time will be involved.
Small Breed:
Bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 41.5+
Face, feet, bum trim, Bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 62.25+
Full haircut, bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 83+
Medium Breed
Bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 62.25+
Face, feet, bum trim, Bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 83+
Full haircut, bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 103.75+
Large Breed:
Bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 90+
Face, feet, bum trim, Bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 112-135+
Full haircut, bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 135-180+
Giant Breed:
Bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 112.5-135+
Full hair, bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 135-180+
Full haircut, bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 225+
Puppies (under 6 months):
Bath, nails, blowdry, ears, brushout: $50+
Bath, nails, blowdry, brushout, ears, face feet bum trim: $50+
Bath, Brush and nails: $85+
Lion cut no bath: $99+
Lion cut with bath: $108+
A la Carte and add ons
Nail Trim/Grind: $12-$15
Face Trim: $15
Face and nail trim: $20
Nail Trim package: $50 for 5 nail trims
Add ons:
Nagayu skin rinse: $5 per tablet (1 for small, 2 for large breeds)
This rinse uses CO2 tablets to resolve issues such as dry skin, dandruff, yeast, oily coat, and allergic reactions. Best if done a few times, but even one treatment can make a noticeable difference.
We offer a variety of skin care options such as itchy dog, smelly dog, yeasty dog, oily dog, and more. We can make recommendations after assessing your pup in person. packages range from $7-30.
We also offer dematting services with realistic expectations for $2/minute of dematting.
Small Breed:
Bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 41.5+
Face, feet, bum trim, Bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 62.25+
Full haircut, bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 83+
Medium Breed
Bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 62.25+
Face, feet, bum trim, Bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 83+
Full haircut, bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 103.75+
Large Breed:
Bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 90+
Face, feet, bum trim, Bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 112-135+
Full haircut, bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 135-180+
Giant Breed:
Bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 112.5-135+
Full hair, bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 135-180+
Full haircut, bath, nails, ears, blowdry, brushout: 225+
Puppies (under 6 months):
Bath, nails, blowdry, ears, brushout: $50+
Bath, nails, blowdry, brushout, ears, face feet bum trim: $50+
Bath, Brush and nails: $85+
Lion cut no bath: $99+
Lion cut with bath: $108+
A la Carte and add ons
Nail Trim/Grind: $12-$15
Face Trim: $15
Face and nail trim: $20
Nail Trim package: $50 for 5 nail trims
Add ons:
Nagayu skin rinse: $5 per tablet (1 for small, 2 for large breeds)
This rinse uses CO2 tablets to resolve issues such as dry skin, dandruff, yeast, oily coat, and allergic reactions. Best if done a few times, but even one treatment can make a noticeable difference.
We offer a variety of skin care options such as itchy dog, smelly dog, yeasty dog, oily dog, and more. We can make recommendations after assessing your pup in person. packages range from $7-30.
We also offer dematting services with realistic expectations for $2/minute of dematting.
Products matter
At Cutting Edge K9 we believe product quality matters. We use exclusively natural, pH balanced, top quality ingredients, and earth friendly products. In the event of allergies or sensitivities we offer a hypoallergenic formula, a deep nourishing treatment, and more. After taking a course on skin care, products and a great deal of research we am comfortable using various products for a variety of uses including:
Feel and see the difference in your pets coat after the use of spa quality products.
- Skin Therapy - used for treating allergies, alopecia (hair loss), dry skin, and more
- Odour - removing skunk, smoke, or other odours
- De-matting - the high fat products allow for pain free detangling of your pets hair
- De-shedding - helping to strengthen the hair follicle to reduce excessive shedding
- Hot spots - a clay mask eliminates hot spots, reduces inflammation and irritation
Feel and see the difference in your pets coat after the use of spa quality products.